Transplanting Trees in the Yard

Transplanting trees in your yard can be an exciting way to accentuate a space or personalize it more fully, but can be daunting without proper training and knowledge of how best to do so.

Transplanting trees doesn't need to be difficult or time consuming if you follow these simple steps. Within no time you will have a healthy, beautiful tree in its new home!

Prepare the Site

Before transplanting a tree in your yard, it's essential to prepare its site correctly. This includes removing competing vegetation and amending soil. Doing this will make your tree more resistant to disease and mice infestation and allow its roots to take hold faster in developing into a strong foundation for long-term success.

Once your site is prepared, the next step is selecting an ideal tree or shrub to grow there. Consider your soil type and moisture, sunlight exposure, climate conditions and residential surroundings when making this decision.

Consider what purpose you want the tree or shrub for, such as providing shade, visual screening, reducing cooling bills, food and habitat for wildlife or protecting your home against the elements. By considering all these aspects, selecting your new trees or shrubs based on these criteria will increase their chances of lasting success in the long term.

Once the site is prepared, it's time to dig the hole and plant your tree or shrub in its new home. Regular watering, mulching, fertilization, pruning, staking and winter care will keep it strong and healthy for many years to come.

Dig the Hole

Prior to transplanting a tree, it's essential that the planting site be properly prepared by excavating an adequate hole that fits with its root ball.

Root balls must be measured accurately before digging a hole three times wider than their height to allow their roots to spread without becoming congested.

Once the hole has been dug, be sure to water thoroughly to settle the soil and eliminate air pockets that could otherwise lead to rapid tree drying out. After having dug your hole, water thoroughly to settle any air pockets or settle the soil further.

Step one involves becoming aware of any underground utility lines. Prior to digging, call 811 and have someone come out to mark any potential obstructions that may lie underneath your excavation area.

Move the Tree

Moving a tree between parts of your yard is generally straightforward if you know exactly how. Timing is key – early spring is ideal so the soil has had time to settle out before transplantation takes place.

As part of the process, be as gentle with the tree as possible. If you lack physical strength to do this yourself, contacting a professional might be wiser. Make sure that when choosing your location for your tree it has all the best chances to thrive and blossom into its new environment.

Root ball size plays a key role in how easily trees can be relocated; large trees with trunk diameters exceeding 4 inches should always be handled by professionals for transportation.

Care Afterward

Trees are living organisms, so their care should not be neglected in order to flourish and live long and healthy lives. Starting off right can make all the difference in its shape, strength and lifespan – taking good care in its early years will have lasting positive impacts for shape, strength and lifespan.

Your newly transplanted tree will expend considerable energy establishing roots, which may prove challenging under conditions such as drought and heat. To speed things along, water deeply to cover all its roots – this should help promote quicker root establishment.

Mulch the ground around your tree as well. Mulch can help keep roots cool and dry while adding organic nutrients to the soil and keeping weeds at bay – it is one of the best tree care tips you can find, with even small amounts making a difference! A layer of mulch goes a long way!

Tree Care Tip by  Cleveland TN Tree Pro   ClevelandTennessee

Transplanting trees in your yard can be an exciting way to accentuate a space or personalize it more fully, but can be daunting without proper training and knowledge of how best to do so. Transplanting trees doesn't need to be difficult or time consuming if you follow these simple steps. Within no time you will…